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Beneficiary Enrolment Program


Q. What is the background of the Enrolment Program?

A. Article 35 of the NLCA requires a Designated Inuit Organization to ensure that all eligible Inuit of the Nunavut Settlement Area have the opportunity to be enrolled. A person who is on the Inuit Enrolment List is entitled to benefit from the NLCA so long as he or she is alive. Inuit agreed to make NTI the Designated Inuit Organization. Enrolment is guided by the principle that Inuit are best able to define who is an Inuk for the purpose of benefiting from the NLCA.

Q. How do I know I am a Beneficiary of the NLCA?

A. You qualify as a Beneficiary of the NLCA if:

a) You are a Canadian citizen

b) You are an Inuk according the Inuit customs and usages.

c) You identify as an Inuk.

Q. Who maintains the Nunavut Inuit Enrolment List?

A. The Nunavut Inuit Enrolment List is maintained by the NTI Enrolment Division in a computerized database. All enrolled Nunavut Inuit are entitled to a Nunavut Inuit Enrolment Card.

Note that it is the responsibility of a person enrolled as a Nunavut Inuk to inform the NTI Enrolment Division of any change of name, or of any error in the spelling of his or her name on the Enrolment List or an Enrolment Card. This can be done by completing and submitting an Enrolment Change and Correction Form:

Enrolment Change and Correction Form (pdf)

Q. Who administers the Enrolment Program?

A. Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) is responsible for enrolling individuals as Beneficiaries of the NLCA. The process is administered by NTI through the Enrolment Division of the Department of Administration, and the Community Enrolment Committees:

Community Enrolment Committee Terms of Reference (pdf)

Q. Do I have to live in Nunavut to be a Beneficiary?

A. No, as long as you meet the requirements of an Inuit Beneficiary, where you live is not a concern. For the requirements see above: Q. How do I know I am a Beneficiary of the NLCA?

Q. I have adopted an Inuk child and would like to enroll him/her as a Beneficiary. What is the process?

A. To enroll an adopted Inuk child as a Beneficiary of the NLCA, you must fill out the Adopted Inuit Children Application Form. Please sign the form, have your spouse sign the form, and send it to your Community Enrolment Committee or to NTI.

Adopted Inuit Children Application Form (pdf)

Q. What is the role of the Community Enrolment Committee?

A. The primary role of the CEC (Community Enrolment Committee) is to help NTI to meet its responsibilities with respect to enrollment of Inuit under Article 35 of the NLCA.

There is one CEC in each community that is required to meet at least once every six months and more often if deemed necessary. During meetings, they will ensure that all applications for enrollment are dealt with properly, efficiently and expeditiously.

The objectives of the CEC and more information can be found in the Community Enrolment Committee Terms of Reference:

Community Enrolment Committee Terms of Reference (pdf)

Q. My enrollment application has been denied. What is the appeal process?

A. To begin, you must fill out an appeal form and send it to the Enrolment Administrator. There are three different forms, depending on the reason for your appeal. In your case, you would need Form D:

Form D: This form is used when a person was refused enrolment.

Enrolment Refusal Appeal Form D (pdf)

Form E: This form is used when a person was enrolled and another person wishes to appeal his/her enrolment.

Enrolment Removal Appeal Form E (pdf)

Form F: This form is used when a person was removed from the enrolment list.

Enrolment Appeals Form F (pdf)

Once the appeal form is received by the Enrolment Administrator, it will be forwarded to the Nunavut Enrolment Appeals Committee, who will determine the time and place of the hearing. A notice of hearings shall be posted in the chosen community, two weeks prior to being held. Appeal hearings shall be open to the public.

All interested parties may appear at and participate in hearings. An appeals committee panel may allow a person to participate in a hearing by teleconference or similar electronic means.

An appeals committee panel may accept hearsay evidence, and shall give that evidence the weight and consideration it considers appropriate. The costs to participate in an appeal shall be borne by the participants.

Q. What is the Nunavut Enrolment Appeals Committee?

A. The Nunavut Enrolment Appeals Committee reviews and rules on Enrolment appeals. This committee is made up of three regional committees. The Regional Inuit Associations (RIAs) appoint one person from each of its communities to make up the regional committee. Each regional committee then elects a member who will act as co-chair of the committee, so there are three co-chairs in total, one from each region.

A member of the Nunavut Enrolment Appeals Committee is not allowed to make a decision on an appeal if they participated in the Community Enrolment Committee which made the original enrolment decision.

Every order, decision or ruling of the appeals committee is final and binding and is not subject to further appeal, however it may be reviewed by the Nunavut Court of Justice if it fails to observe principals of natural justice. (Section 35.5.8 of the NLCA)

For more information on the enrolment appeals process see the following:

Enrolment Appeals Process (pdf)