Media Centre

NTI Election – Revised Notice of Election

(January 5, 2021 – Iqaluit, Nunavut)      Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) Chief Returning Officer, Kathleen Sigurdson, confirmed NTI’s official list of candidates for the election of president on February 8, 2021, with the campaigning period re-starting on January 4, 2021.

The following candidates filed in accordance with NTI’s Election Rules and Procedures for the election of president by the deadline:

Aluki Kotierk

Andrew Nakashuk

Voters must be 16 years of age or older as of December 14, 2020 and be enrolled under the Nunavut Agreement.

Voters have five ways to vote in NTI elections: advance polls on February 1, 2021, Election Day on February 8, by mobile poll, proxy vote or mail-in ballot.

All mail-in ballots containing the original election date of December 14, 2020 are valid and will be counted at the close of the election on February 8th, 2021..

NEW for 2020 – COVID Planning

In addition to the usual planning for weather conditions for the vote in February, NTI will also have contingency plans for COVID-19. NTI will follow the guidelines of Nunavut’s Chief Public Health Officer to ensure the safety of all candidates, staff and voters.

Kathleen Sigurdson

Chief Returning Officer (CRO)

Rankin Inlet, NU, X0C 0G0

Local Tel: 867-645-6716

Toll Free: 1-844-979-6554


Nadia Ciccone

Office of the CRO – Ayaya Communications

Building 157, Iqaluit, NU, X0A 0H0

Tel: 867-979-1484

Fax: 867-979-1487