2004-12-15 NTI Links Inuit Support for Northern Strategy to Federal Action on Land Claim Implementation NR 04-42 NOR INUK Northern Strategy.doc
2004-12-07 NTI to Host Televised Year-in-Review Program NR 04-39 YIR INUK Year in Review Broadcast.doc
2004-11-05 NTI Makes Changes to Bylaws and Elections Rules During AGM NR 04-35 ECH INUK Elections Changes.doc
2004-11-05 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Approves Financial Strategic Plan NR 04-34 TEN INUK Strategic Plan.doc
2004-10-29 NTI Issues Second Call for Proposals for Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Oral History Project NR 04-32 TWO INUK Oral History Second Call.doc
2004-10-05 NTI Commends Federal Government on Development of Northern Strategy NR 04-31THR INUK Throne Speech.doc
2004-09-27 Nunavut Economic Forum Board Discusses Economic Development with Minister of State (Northern Development) NR 04-30 QAN INUK Economic Development.doc
2004-08-23 NTI Launches Nunavut Land Claims Agreement Oral History Project NR 04-28 OHP INUK Oral History Project.doc
2004-07-15 NTI Applauds DFO’s Decision to support the Baffin Fisheries Coalition NR 04-27 DFO INUK Baffin Fisheries Coalition.doc
2004-06-29 Minority Government Will Be Good for Nunavut: NTI President NR 04-26 MIN INUK Minority Government.doc
2004-06-03 Inuit Organizations, Government Sign MOU for Wildlife Act Regulations NR 04-25 WLA INUK Wildlife Act Regulations.doc
2004-05-26 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Names Government Relations Advisor NR 04-22 GRA INUK Government Relations Advisor.doc
2004-05-25 NTI Releases Plain Language Guide to the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement NR 04-24 NLC INUK NLCA Plain Language.doc
2004-05-19 NTI Releases Final Report on Elders’ Conference on Climate Change in Nunavut NR 04-18 CLI INUK Climate Change Report Issued.doc
2004-05-18 NTI Says Federal Government Short-Changed GN on Resources for Land Claim Implementation NR 04-23 GNB INUK GN Budget.doc
2004-05-11 NTI Releases the Annual Report on Inuit Culture and Society NR 04-19 SCD INUK NSDC Annual Report.doc
2004-05-04 Nunavut Economic Forum Selects New Board Members and Officers NR 04-21 NEF INUK Nuanvut Economic Forum.doc
2004-04-20 NTI President Calls for Action on Nunavut Housing Needs NR 04-16 HOU INUK Housing Needs.doc
2004-04-19 NTI Applauds Formation of Federal Inuit Secretariat NR 04-15 SEC INUK Inuit Secretariat.doc
2004-03-26 Eetoolook Takes on Vice-President of Finance Role NR 04-14 POR INUK Executive Portfolios.doc
2004-03-17 NTI Elections Bring in New President and 2nd Vice-President NR 04-13 WIN INUK Election Winners.doc
2004-02-10 Nunavut Land Claims Body Links Auditor-General’s Report and Throne Speech Promises NR 04-10 AGR INUK Sheila Fraser.doc
2004-02-09 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. to React to Auditor-General’s Report (English) NR 04-09 MED ENG Auditor General Report.doc
2004-02-05 NTI Praises Federal Decision to Cancel Proposed Consent Form NR 04-08 HEA INUK NIHB Consent Form.doc
2004-01-30 NTI Elections Releases Official List of Candidates for President and 2nd Vice-President NR 04-07 OFF INUK Official Candidates.doc
2004-01-27 NTI Board of Directors Meeting Wraps up in Cambridge Bay NR 04-06 BOD INUK Board of Directors.doc
2004-01-27 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. releases the names of candidates running for President and 2nd Vice-President NR 04-05 CAN INUK Candidates.doc
2004-01-27 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. launches elections-related contest for Nunavut youth NR 04-04 LES INUK NTI Elections Lesson Plans.doc
2004-01-14 Budget Passes for Nunavut Harvesters Support Program NR 04-02 HSP INUK Harvester Support Funding.doc