Media Centre

The Iqaluit based TAIMA TB program is holding a FOCUS GROUP and we would like you to participate!

The Iqaluit based TAIMA TB program is holding a FOCUS GROUP and we would like you to participate!

We are looking for the following people to participate:

If you have received a home visit from our team


If you have visited our website, facebook page and YouTube videos on the web


If you attended TAIMA TB night, our community feast that was held in April
Come share your thoughts and experiences with TAIMA TB.

We want to learn more from you!

The focus group will last about 1 hour and a half.

Honorarium, snacks and taxi vouchers will be provided.

Please phone the TAIMA TB Team at 975-4813 or 222-5027 if you are interested in participating.

Date: Friday, September 30th, morning or afternoon session
Place: Frobisher Inn, Kivalliq Room

For further information:
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated