(June 15, 2023, Iqaluit, Nunavut) The Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) Board of Directors
concluded its regular meeting this week in Iqaluit. The Members discussed a wide range of
issues including children and youth welfare, housing for Inuit, and the Qanuippitaa? National
Inuit Health Survey.
NTI’s Department of Social and Cultural Development (SCD) is investigating options for Inuitdesigned
and led prevention services in child and family welfare in Nunavut. SCD recommended
shifting towards a preventative service model believing that it could be particularly
transformative for Inuit. The Auditor General of Canada recently reported that the Government
of Nunavut’s Department of Family Services continued inability to meet its responsibilities to
protect the vulnerable children and youth in Nunavut.
NTI is well and uniquely positioned to play a preventative role in child and youth welfare in
Nunavut and can make a significantly positive impact in the lives of many Inuit. SCD will
continue to research potential opportunities for NTI to become more involved in providing and
overseeing prevention services for Inuit children and families.
The NTI Board of Directors also decided on the allocation of $422 million funding for Inuit
housing from the federal government. The funds are supporting NTI’s Angirratsaliulauqta –
Nunavut Inuit Housing Action Plan. 67% of the funding will go towards affordable housing
initiatives to support the growing need for affordable rental housing, with a fixed rent, and not
tied to an employer. 30% of the funding will go towards supportive housing that includes
delivery of shelters, and other housing for Elders and youth. 3% of the funding will go towards
developing and delivering homeownership related programs and training. These housing
initiatives are dedicated to dealing with existing housing gaps that complement the housing
initiatives by the Government of Nunavut and others. The Inuit Housing Fund will be split
between NTI and the three Regional Inuit Associations (RIA). NTI and the RIAs will now work on
determining how many and the types of housing units to be built with this funding.
After a request for proposals, the NTI Board of Directors awarded a contract for the logistical support of the Nunavut component of the Qanuippittaa? National Inuit Health Survey to Argyle worth $7.9 million. The contract is to support the delivery of the Inuit health survey in every community of Nunavut over the next two years, including hiring and training Inuit regional and community coordinators, field teams, interviewers, and Elders.
The next NTI Board meeting will be held in Iqaluit, August 29-31, 2023.
Kevin Kablutsiak
Director, Communications
Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.
Tel: (867) 975-4941
Toll-free: 1-888-646-0006