RFP: Review of the implementation of the 2016-2023 IIBA for National Wildlife Areas and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries in the Nunavut Settlement Area



Issuing Date: May 8, 2023


1.1 Purpose of this request

Contractor services are required to conduct a review of the implementation of the 2016-2023 Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement for National Wildlife Areas and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries in the Nunavut Settlement Area (IIBA), in order to ensure that the IIBA Parties are meeting the objectives of the Nunavut Agreement (NA) and the IIBA.

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI), and the three Regional Inuit Associations of Nunavut (RIAs), collectively known as the Parties, must conduct a review of the IIBA five (5) years after the agreement is signed.

The selected contractor will, as detailed in the IIBA’s Article 15 – Implementation, Review and Renegotiation:

  • conduct a review of the implementation of the IIBA in order to ensure that the objectives of section 8.4.4 of the NA and the IIBA are being met;
  • prepare a written IIBA implementation report as part of the review.


Specific requirements are detailed below under Sections 2.0 and 3.0.

1.2 Background

The IIBA includes provisions for, but not limited to, co-management by Inuit and the Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS), Inuit land use, Inuit cultural resources associated with Conservation Areas, contracting and tourism opportunities, employment, education and research. The first IIBA was signed in 2007 by NTI and the Nunavut’s Regional Inuit Associations on behalf of Inuit: and the federal Department of Environment and Climate Change Canada on behalf of the Canadian Wildlife Service, for a term of 7 years. The parties renegotiated the IIBA and signed for a subsequent 7-year term from 2016-2023.


1.3 Terminology

ACMC Area Co-Management Committee
CWS Canadian Wildlife Service
ECCC Environment and Climate Change Canada
IIBA 2016 to 2023 Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement for National Wildlife Areas and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries in the Nunavut Settlement Area also known as Conservation Areas Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement
IOL Inuit Owned Lands, as defined in s. 1.1.1 of the Nunavut Agreement
MBS Migratory Bird Sanctuary
NA Agreement between the Inuit of the Nunavut Settlement Area and Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada, also known as Nunavut Agreement or Nunavut Land Claim Agreement (NLCA)
NSA Nunavut Settlement Area
NTI Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
NWA National Wildlife Area
NU Nunavut
PA Protected Area
Parties to the IIBA Canadian Wildlife Service, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc., Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Kivalliq Inuit Association and Qikiqtani Inuit Association
RIA Regional Inuit Associations (i.e. : Kivalliq Inuit Association, Kitikmeot Inuit Association, Qikiqtani Inuit Association)
SOW Statement of Work


1.4       Reference Documents:

  • 2016 to 2023 Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement for National Wildlife Areas and Migratory Bird Sanctuaries in the Nunavut Settlement Area, also known as Conservation Areas Inuit Impact and Benefit Agreement
  • Annual Reviews conducted between 2016-2020 as per section 15.4 of the IIBA.



2.1 Scope of Work

Section 15.6 of the IIBA stipulates that the Parties will conduct a joint review of the IIBA five years after it is signed. The IIBA does not make recommendations with respect to the specific contents of the evaluation.

The review will include an assessment of the extent to which CWS and Inuit have been able ensure that the objectives of 8.4.4 and the NA are being met, to implement their respective IIBA responsibilities, interviews of key participants in various activities connected to the IIBA, and recommendations that can be used by all parties in renegotiation of the IIBA.

Suggested scope of the written report includes, but is not limited to:

  1. A summary of the annual reviews prepared to date jointly by CWS and NTI;
  2. A review of CWS Implementation funding, notably with respect to establishment and operation of Area Co-Management Committees (ACMCs);
  3. A review of Inuit Implementation Funding, notably with respect to the Inuit Tourism Development Fund, Cultural Resource Inventories, and development of Interpretive Materials.
  4. Working through the subjects of each section of the IIBA, an analysis of any issues or gaps that may not have been addressed in a) b) or c).
  5. Information pertaining to all years, given that the year 5 review has been delayed and the current IIBA has expired.

2.2 Schedule

The proposed schedule for work is as follows:

Item Completed by
1 Contract Award June 30, 2023
2 Conference call between the IIBA Year Five Review Committee and Contractor to discuss project, expectations, deliverables, etc. July7, 2023
3 In person meeting with IIBA Year Five Review Committee to discuss planning, progress to date, workshop plan July 21, 2023
4 Year five review workshop with Contractor and all Parties to the IIBA No later than August 31, 2023
Follow-up meeting by teleconference with IIBA Year Five Review Committee to discuss progress September 4, 2023
5 Interim report drafted and submitted to the IIBA Year Five Review Committee, including

• Summary of annual reviews

• Review of CWS Implementation funding

• Review of Inuit Implementation Funding

• Analysis of additional issues or gaps

·         Annotated outline of the report


October 9, 2023
6 In person meeting with IIBA Year Five Review Committee (and others as required) to present the Interim report October 9, 2023
7 In person meeting with Parties of the IIBA to present final results October 31, 2023
8 Final Report submitted November 17, 2023


3.0      TASKS

3.1 Summary of Annual Reviews

An important source of data for the Year Five Review will be the annual reviews required pursuant to Section 15.4 of the IIBA. Slightly abbreviated from Section 15.4, the annual reviews are expected to:

  1. review the IIBA Implementation Funding Schedule 15-1 and the implementation plan for the past year, and assess the Parties’ performance against the IIBA’s principles and objectives, the Parties’ respective obligations, and available funding;
  2. amend, as required, Schedule 15-1 to ensure that IIBA principles, objectives and obligations will be met and will be met in the most cost effective manner; and
  3. consider any other matter which will assist with the effective implementation of the IIBA.

3.2 CWS Implementation Funding

Sections 12.3, 15.2.1, and 15.2.2, and Schedule 15-1 of the IIBA state that the $2,850,000 in CWS IIBA Implementation Funds will be held and administered to pay the costs of the ACMCs, student initiatives, Inuit research assistants, and compensation for bear kills.

While the Year Five Review will be expected to address all aspects of CWS implementation of the IIBA, the Review will be expected to pay special attention to:

  1. the establishment, terms of reference, training, and functioning of Area Co-Management Committees;
  2. Inuit Field Research Assistant/student mentoring; and
  • systemic challenges CWS faces implementing the IIBA.

3.3 Inuit Implementation Funding

Section 15.2 and Schedule 15-1 of the IIBA state that the $6,350,000 in CWS IIBA Implementation Funds will be held and administered to pay the costs of Cultural Resource Inventories, Interpretative Materials, the Inuit Tourism Providers Fund, and Inuit Secretariat Support.

While the Year Five Review will be expected to address all aspects of implementation of the IIBA, the Review will be expected to pay special attention to:

  1. challenges faced by NTI and the RIAs in administration and implementation of the IIBA.

3.4 Additional Analysis

The Year Five Review will also need to examine the IIBA chapter by chapter to ensure that all aspects of the Agreement have been addressed, and to assess and report on any issues that may not have been covered by the work identified in sections 3a) – c) above.



The following deliverables are to be provided to the departmental representative:

  1. Year Five Review Interim Report
  2. Year Five Review Final Report


The language in which all work will be written is English. ECCC will provide translation into Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun and French when requested



The work may be performed in the city of the contractor.


7.0       TRAVEL

Travel is not required to perform the work.


Contact Person:

Evie Eegeesiak

Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

P.O. Box 638

Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0

(867) 975-4964

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