NR 03-05 ENR ENG New Enrolment Initiatives.doc
(MARCH 11, 2003 — Iqaluit, Nunavut) The Board of Directors of Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) has approved a number of initiatives that will affect the enrolment of beneficiaries under Article 35 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA).
Enrolment is a very basic, very important aspect of our land claim, said Paul Kaludjuk, Vice President of Finance and the Executive Member responsible for enrolment. These changes came about because NTI recognized the need to update enrolment procedures and policies to ensure they fully reflect Inuit interests. We made sure this was done in consultation with community enrolment committees and enrolment secretaries.
Key to the changes is a new Enrolment Manual that streamlines the application process. This manual was formally approved by the Executive, following an earlier review by the Board of Directors at their quarterly meeting in Cape Dorset. Updates include:
Policies and procedures that are easier to understand and implement,
Revised guidelines that, where needed, provide additional detail, and
A streamlined administrative process.
Our goal is to ensure a consistent approach to determining eligibility across Nunavut, Kaludjuk said. The revised guidelines respect the fundamental “exchange’ made by Inuit of common law aboriginal rights for specific land claims rights. Through the enrolment process, Inuit can ensure that those who bear the abiding cost of extinguishing their aboriginal rights shall in turn enjoy the abiding benefits of the land claim.
Working closely with Community Liaison Officers, NTI is setting up a computerized community database that will allow the enrolment list to be more easily updated and maintained. A revised Inuit Enrolment List will be distributed to each community shortly that will allow individuals to easily view their registration information and make corrections if needed.
NTI has also revived the Enrolment Appeals Committee, with appeals hearings set for March 12 and 13 in Rankin Inlet. Another change is to the term of office for a Community Enrolment Committee member, which will now be three years long instead of indefinite length.
NTI is responsible for enrolling all eligible Inuit as beneficiaries of the NLCA. The process is administered by NTI’s Enrolment Department in co-operation with the Enrolment Committees set up in each Nunavut community. A person who is on the Inuit Enrolment List is entitled to benefit from the NLCA so long as he or she is alive.
For further information:
Nancy Campbell
Director of Communications
Tel: (867) 975-4900
Fax: (867) 975-4943 Juanita Taylor