Going through hard times is normal. We can get through hard times with the love and support of family, friends, Elders and counsellors. Connect with support and advice for yourself or someone you care about:
Mental Health and Addictions
Free, confidential mental health and addictions support at every Community Health Centre and Iqaluit Mental Health. Psychologists and other mental health professionals are available through TeleHealth. Referrals and Medical Travel are provided when services are not locally available. Interpretation is available for Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun and French.
Community Health Centre, for appointments and on-call emergencies
Iqaluit Mental Health (867) 975-5999
Qikiqtani General Hospital, Emergencies, (867) 975-8600
IRS Resolution Health Support Program
Free, confidential mental health and emotional support services are available for former residential school students and their families. In Nunavut, cultural wellness and healing is provided by Ilisaqsivik, Tukisigiarvik, Pulaarvik Kublu and the Cambridge Bay Wellness Centre. Psychologists and other mental health professionals are also available. Transportation is provided when these services are not locally available.
National Crisis Line, 24 hour, 1-866-925-4419 (Inuktut, English, French)
Northern Program Coordinator, Health Canada, 1-800-464-8106 (English and French)
Ilisaqsivik Toll-free counselling line, 1-888-331-4433 (Inuktitut and English)
Government of Nunavut Employee and Family Assistance Program
Free, confidential counselling is available for GN employees and their immediate family members. Many resources are available like mental health and addiction support, psychology, and online courses.
Toll-free line, 24 hour, 1-800-663-1142 (English, French and Inuktut through interpreter)

Past Project