There is help

Going through hard times is normal. We can get through hard times with the love and support of family, friends, Elders and counsellors. Connect with support and advice for yourself or someone you care about:

Mental Health and Addictions

Free, confidential mental health and addictions support at every Community Health Centre and Iqaluit Mental Health. Psychologists and other mental health professionals are available through TeleHealth. Referrals and Medical Travel are provided when services are not locally available. Interpretation is available for Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun and French.

Community Health Centre, for appointments and on-call emergencies
Iqaluit Mental Health (867) 975-5999
Qikiqtani General Hospital, Emergencies, (867) 975-8600

IRS Resolution Health Support Program

Free, confidential mental health and emotional support services are available for former residential school students and their families. In Nunavut, cultural wellness and healing is provided by Ilisaqsivik, Tukisigiarvik, Pulaarvik Kublu and the Cambridge Bay Wellness Centre. Psychologists and other mental health professionals are also available. Transportation is provided when these services are not locally available.

National Crisis Line, 24 hour, 1-866-925-4419 (Inuktut, English, French)

Northern Program Coordinator, Health Canada, 1-800-464-8106 (English and French)

Ilisaqsivik Toll-free counselling line, 1-888-331-4433 (Inuktitut and English)

Government of Nunavut Employee and Family Assistance Program

Free, confidential counselling is available for GN employees and their immediate family members. Many resources are available like mental health and addiction support, psychology, and online courses.

Toll-free line, 24 hour, 1-800-663-1142 (English, French and Inuktut through interpreter)

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Nunavut Agreement Oral History

Traditionally, Inuit knowledge and history was retained and passed on solely through the oral tradition of storytelling. This initiative captured the oral history of the development, negotiations and formation of the Nunavut Agreement.

NTI Lands

The Department of Lands and Resources promotes and protects Inuit interests in the lands and resources of Nunavut, so as to promote economic self-sufficiency in accordance to Inuit social and cultural needs and aspirations.

Nunavut Agreement

Agreement between the Inuit of the Nunavut Settlement area and her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada


The Nunavut Education Reform Act (NERA) is NTI’s proposal to reform the education system in Nunavut. It is an important part of the solution to the education crisis in Nunavut. NERA is a draft bill, which proposes needed and meaningful improvements to our education system.


This is a hub of resources to keep you updated during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Equality Rights Claim

NTI and parents of Inuit students are launching a lawsuit against the Government of Nunavut (GN). Over many years, GN has failed to deliver on its commitment to provide Inuit language education. Now, by making recent amendments to Nunavut’s language laws, the government has explicitly changed course and broken its commitment to deliver Inuit language instruction across subjects after grade 4.

Nunavut Inuit Housing Action Plan (NIHAP)

A plan for transformational change to address the housing crisis in Nunavut.


Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) will be hosting a conference of Nunavut Inuit to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the Nunavut Agreement.

Piqasiqsuijuq Mentorship

Apply to the Piqasiqsuijuq Mentorship, an opportunity to shadow the NTI President at two (2) high level meetings

NTI Election for President 2024

Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) will hold an election for President on December 9, 2024. The nomination period for declaring candidacy runs from October 28 to November 1, 2024.

Uqqujjait Innarnut – Elders Support Program

The Uqqujjait Innarnut-Elders Support Program is an extension of the existing Nunavut Elders Benefit Program. The Uqqujjait Innarnut-Elders Support Program adds support for a new group of Elders. The program will provide a monthly payment of $120 to Nunavut Inuit Elders born between January 1, 1949 and December 31, 1955.

Suicide Intervention

As a partner in the suicide prevention Action Plan, NTI is committed to working together to provide a wide-reaching and culturally appropriate range of services for those in need.

Website Photo Contest

A winning photo will be chosen each month to appear on NTI’s website and if your photo is chosen as Photo of the Year, you will receive a $1000 cash award.

Nunavut Tunngavik Foundation

Nunavut Tunngavik Foundation (NTF) was created by NTI to manage surplus funds from the Common Experience Payment Fund of the Residential School Settlement Agreement. NTI’s Inuit Programs & Services Department administers the Tunngavik Foundation Scholarship Program and the Cultural & Healing Program on behalf of NTF.


Nunavut Inuit Labour Force Analysis (NILFA) Report provides a detailed analysis of the labour force of the Nunavut to determine the availability, interest and the level of preparedness of Inuit for government employment.

JAK Scholarship

Jose Amaujaq Kusugak’s ability to inspire Inuit continues by NTI awarding two annual $5,000 scholarships to students pursuing post-secondary academic studies in education, Inuit language, or the advancement of Inuit rights.

Inuit Firm Registry Database

NTI maintains and promotes the Inuit Firm Registry, asserts Inuit Economic Rights and Benefits, and supports Inuit in developing the Nunavut economy.

Taima TB

Research projects helping Inuit stop the transmission of tuberculosis.

Nunavut Harvester Support Program

Nunavut Harvesters Support Program (NHSP) is intended to relieve poverty among Inuit in Nunavut and to preserve and advance Inuit harvesting culture, heritage and traditional ways of life by providing Inuit in need with funding assistance for harvesting activities.

Enroll in the Nunavut Agreement

Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) is responsible for enrolling individuals in the Nunavut Agreement. The process is administered by NTI through the Department of Inuit Programs and Services, and the Community Enrolment Committees.

Bill 37 - Nunavut Education Act and Inuit Rights

The newly-tabled Education Act and Inuit Language Protection Act amendments will not solve the current crisis in the education system.

Vice-President Elections 2018

Past Project
Joint NTI-GN Curriculum initiative

NTI Elections 2014 Nunavut Grade 9 Social Studies Teacher’s Guide developped as a joint NTI and government initiative.

Exile Monument

The monuments are dedicated to the families who were relocated, rejoicing their perseverance and the importance of family and community in overcoming the many dire hardships families faced during the High Arctic relocations.

President for a Day

NTI President for a Day Contest for Inuit youth who are attending high school. The winner will be flown to Iqaluit for Nunavut Day, July 9, 2013 and will take part in all the festivities.

Nunavut Agreement Monument

To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the Nunavut Agreement, NTI commissioned a monument to pay tribute to the decades of tireless work of everyone who helped conceive, negotiate, and now implement the agreement.

Perry River

Six people wrote NTI, representing the larger group who, in 1967, moved from Perry River to Gjoa Haven. “We are not angry or anything [but] we would just like people to know our story, and how difficult it really was.”

Qauma Mobile Treatment

A traveling counseling team that visited four communities a year. The project was geared towards former residential school students and their families, but open to anyone who wished to heal from trauma or abuse.

NTI Elections Curriculum Initiative

Inuit Educators Gathering

The Inuit Educators’ Gathering will provide Inuit educators and aspiring educators a forum for information exchange on Inuktut education, teaching materials and approaches, existing and new professional development opportunities, and assist in the building of a support network. This gathering is guided by a planning committee who is working on an agenda that will be meaningful to all Inuit educators.