2003-12-10 NTI Releases New Elections Expense Rules and Codes of Conduct NR 03-33 COD INUIN NTI Elections Rules.doc
2003-12-08 NTI encouraged by Special Committee recommendations NR 03-32 OLA INUIN Official Languages Act.doc
2003-12-03 Chief Returning Officer Appointed NR 03-29 ELE INUIN Chief Returning Officer Appointed.doc
2003-11-14 Aboriginal Land Claims conference concludes with national recommendations NR 03-28 CON INUIN Abo Conference Ends.doc
2003-11-07 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. to Prepare new 10-year Strategic Financial Plan NR 03-27 PLA INUIN Strategic Plan.doc
2003-11-05 NTI Makes Important Advances in Social and Cultural Development Department NR 03-24 SCD INUIN Social Advances.doc
2003-11-04 Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. to explore building a drug and alcohol treatment centre for Inuit NR 03-23 TCE INUIN Treatment Centre.doc
2003-11-03 National Conference on Land Claims Implementation to begin NR 03-22 RED INUIN Land Claims Conference.doc
2003-10-10 NTI to launch healing program for residential school survivors NR 03-20 QAU INUIN Qauma.doc
2003-09-26 NTI helps establish a Nunavut Inuit voice on the environment NR 03-19 ENV INUIN Environment Workshop .doc
2003-09-17 NTI calls on Senate Standing Committee to enforce Canada’s land claim obligations for off-shore fisheries NR 03-18 SEN INUIN Senate.doc
2003-09-15 NTI to strengthen elections process, review own operations NR 03-17 BOD INUIN Board Meeting.doc
2003-08-23 Ukkusiksalik National Park established: NTI welcomes completion of important land claim commitment NR 03-15 UKK INUIN Ukkusiksalik.doc
2003-07-21 NTI Initiates Pilot Beneficiaries with Disabilities Program NR 03-14 DIS INUIN Disabilities.doc
2003-07-08 Court Rules in Favour of Continued Firearms Injunction NR 03-13 INJ INUIN Firearms Injunction.doc
2003-07-04 Proposed Liquor Act amendments: NTI calls for community vote on liquor stores NR 03-12 LIQ INUIN Liquor Act.doc
2003-05-30 NTI proposes solution to off-shore fisheries crisis NR 03-11 SOL INUIN Fisheries Solution.doc
2003-05-28 NTI condemns federal giveaway of northern shrimp fishery NR 03-10 FIS INUIN NTI Condemns Fisheries Decision.doc
2003-05-23 10th Anniversary of Nunavut Land Claims Agreement recognized NR 03-09 TEN INUIN NLCA 10th Anniversary.doc
2003-05-16 NTI delivers on its commitment to social well-being NR 03-08 SUI INUIN Suicide Prevention.doc
2003-03-26 NTI cautions against loss of momentum on education reform NR 03-07 EDU INUIN Education Act.doc
2003-03-11 NTI says new gov’t budget reflects inadequate federal transfer NR 03-06 BUD INUIN GN Budget.doc
2003-03-11 Nunavut Tunngavik approves new enrolment initiatives NR 03-05 ENR INUIN New Enrolment Initiatives.doc
2003-03-10 Exploration Agreement signed with Strongbow Resources: Potential for Joint Venture as well as long-term research benefits NR 03-04 STR INUIN Strongbow Agreement.doc
2003-02-27 Nunavut Tunngavik launches new travel program for beneficiaries NR 03-02 MEE INUIN Meeting Overview.doc
2003-01-29 Standing Committee on the Official Languages Act: NTI affirms on-going commitment to language preservation NR 03-01 LAN INUIN NTI Supports Language Recommendations.doc