For Immediate Release:
NTI Isolation Kit Program
(January 7, 2022) Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. (NTI) provides support to Inuit who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are required to isolate for 14 days as a result of contact tracing and are in a Nunavut community with active COVID-19 cases. It is vital that we all follow the public health measures that are put in place by Nunavut’s Chief Public Health Officer (CPHO) which includes whole household isolation requirements if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or asked to isolate as a result of contact tracing or have experienced symptoms of COVID-19.
Isolation Kits are intended to support Nunavut Inuit to stay home. The content of these kits depends on the information provided to NTI and will be adapted based on dietary needs, number of adults and children in the household and infant specific needs.
For communities with confirmed cases, isolation kit applications do not require signature by a health care provider. All other Nunavut communities and Inuit living outside of the Nunavut Settlement Area require a signature by the health care provider. Any information provided will be strictly confidential. The Isolation Kit program is a voluntary program. The NTI Isolation Kit Program was developed with the Government of Canada’s Indigenous Community Support Funding.
To ensure anonymity, supplies and supports will not be given unless the affected person(s) fill out the isolation kit application form. The application form can be printed or filled out online at
Please note, supplies and supports may be delayed due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Nunavut, local store hours and the impacts of weather and other programs on Nunavut’s Supply Chain. We are working very hard with partners and stakeholders to deliver the Isolation Kit Program. NTI will process approved application forms in the order they are received. NTI staff and suppliers in each community thank you for your understanding and patience.
If your household has already received an isolation kit, you are not eligible to reapply for the same period.
For more information on NTI’s Isolation Kit Program, please call toll free 1-888-924-3757 or email or website at
For further information:
Karen Flaherty
A/Director Communications
Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
Tel: (867) 975-4900/Toll-free: 1-888-924-3757